Little Angels Trust is embarking on an important new project at Mamobi General Hospital, working closely with Dr Nani to establish two essential spaces: a mothers' respite centre and a children's play area.
The mothers' respite centre will provide a crucial sanctuary for caregivers who spend long hours at the hospital tending to their children. Like our successful sanctuary at Princess Marie Louise Hospital, this space will offer a comfortable environment where mothers can rest and recharge while staying close to their children.
The children's play area will transform the hospital experience for our young patients, giving them a space to experience moments of joy and normalcy during their treatment journey. This therapeutic environment will support both their emotional wellbeing and recovery process.
We invite our partners and sponsors to join us in this vital initiative. Your support will help create these essential spaces that will make a meaningful difference in the lives of both patients and their caregivers at Mamobi General Hospital. To learn more about contributing to this project, please contact Little Angels Trust.